Handy Calculators
A set of calculators for measurements, fun, health, math and many more.
Age Calculator
Use this age calculator to work out how old you are in years, months, weeks, days, hours and seconds. In addition, this calculator will also tell you the day on which you were born.
Age Difference Calculator
Discover the age gap in years, months and days between two individuals. Also, find out how age dynamics can shape relationships, friendships, and family connections.
Birthday Calculator
Discover what day you were born on and how long you've been alive in days, months and years. In addition, find out your star sign, your birthstone, and the celebrities that you share your birthday with.
Chronological Age Calculator
Work out your age based upon any given date. Simply enter your date of birth and let the calculator tell you your age in years, months and days.
Cubic Feet Calculator
Use this tool to calculate the volume or capacity of an object or space using dimension measurements in either feet, inches or a combination of both.
Cubic Meters Calculator
Calculate the CBM volume of a space or capacity of an object in cubic meters/metres from units in cm, m, feet and inches.
Cubic Yards Calculator
Use this calculator to work out the cubic yardage of an area for materials such as concrete, sand, asphalt, compost, mulch or topsoil.
Date Calculator
Use these calculators to add minutes, hours, days, months, and years on to a specific date or do a countdown to a specific date.
Days and Time Between Dates
Calculate the exact number of hours, days and months between two dates, using this calculator. Find out how old you are in days.
How Many Days Until?
Use this calculator to find out the number of days there are until a specific date of your choice.
Square Footage Calculator
Use the square footage calculator tool to work out an area of square feet for flooring, landscaping, carpets, tiling and more.
BMI Calculator
Use the metric and imperial BMI calculators to work out your body mass index (BMI). By calculating your body mass index, you can get an indication of whether your weight may be affecting your health.
BMR Calculator
Would you like to know how many calories you burn on a daily basis? Use our metric and imperial BMR calculators to determine both your daily inactive calorie burn and your daily calorie burn based upon your activity level.
Pregnancy Calculator
Use this pregnancy calculator to estimate your due date, your remaining length of pregnancy, your probability of giving birth on certain dates and how big your baby currently is.
Steps to Miles Calculator
Use this calculator to work out how many steps there are in a mile for your height and pace. In addition, find out how many miles you've walked or run for a set number of steps.
WHR Calculator
Work out your waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) with this calculator tool. Your WHR number can help you determine which body shape category you fit into and suggest whether you might be in a low, medium or high risk health category.
Decimal to Fraction
Use this calculator to convert a decimal number to a fraction. You can also convert numbers with repeating decimals.
Decimal to Hex
Use this calculator to convert a decimal number to its corresponding hex value and learn how to convert them manually.
Fractions Calculators
Use this calculator to add, subtract, multiply or divide fractions. Full explanation and formulae are also provided to assist you with your calculations.
Hex to Decimal
Use this calculator to convert a hex value to a decimal and learn how to convert them manually.
Percentage Calculator
Whether you need to calculate the percentage for a given statistic, want to see how much your assets have increased by or want to work out the tip for a restaurant bill, the percentage calculator is the tool for you.
Percentage Change
Use this calculator to work out the percentage increase or decrease from one number to another.
Electricity Cost Calculator
Calculate the electricity cost and power usage of your home devices and electrical appliances.
LED Savings Calculator
Find out how much money and CO2 you can save by switching your regular light bulbs to LED light bulbs.
MPGe Calculator
Calculate the efficiency of your EV and find out how much it costs you to run.
Mulch Calculator
Use this calculator to work out the amount of mulch you might require to cover an area of ground at a specified depth. Gives results in cubic yards, cubic feet and cubic m, plus mulch bag sizes.
Roman Numerals Converter
Use this converter to convert to and from roman numerals. Simply enter a whole numeric value between 1 and 3999 or a set of roman numerals to get your conversion.
Scientific Calculator
Whether you're looking to solve problems in mathematics, physics and engineering or simply want to make simple calculations, this scientific calculator is the tool you need.

Substance Converters
Alcohol, Coffee, Construction, Cooking, Metal, Oil, Petrol, Water , Gold
Please do feel free to contact me with your comments on my calculators, including any suggestions for possible future development.