Math Calculators
A collection of mathematics calculators for your everyday use.
Percentage Calculator
Whether you need to calculate the percentage for a given statistic, want to see how much your assets have increased by or want to work out the tip for a restaurant bill, the percentage calculator is the tool for you.
Decimal to Fraction
Use this calculator to convert a decimal number to a fraction. You can also convert numbers with repeating decimals.
Decimal to Hex
Use this calculator to convert a decimal number to its corresponding hex value and learn how to convert them manually.
Density Calculator
Use this calculator to convert quickly and easily between density, mass and volume. With conversions and formulae.
Fractions Calculators
Use this calculator to add, subtract, multiply or divide fractions. Full explanation and formulae are also provided to assist you with your calculations.
Hex to Decimal
Use this calculator to convert a hex value to a decimal and learn how to convert them manually.
Percentage Change
Use this calculator to work out the percentage increase or decrease from one number to another.
Please do feel free to contact me with your comments on my calculators, including any suggestions for possible future development.