$20 per hour to yearly salary
$20 per hour is how much per year?
If you earn $20 per hour and work 52 weeks per year, your annual salary equates to $41,600. This is based upon a standard 40-hour week.
If you work only 50 weeks per year, with 2 weeks unpaid leave, your salary equates to $40,000 per year.
Remember that these figures are pre-tax and don't take into account for overtime or sick pay. They also assume you work the same number of hours every week. If you want to calculate income tax on your yearly salary, Smart Asset has a tax calculator you can use.
$20 per hour to monthly wage
Looking to your monthly wage now. With an hourly rate of $20 and working full-time for 52 weeks a year, your monthly earnings would be $3466.67, assuming a standard 40-hour workweek.
Monthly salary | $20 per hour is $3,467 per month |
Weekly wage | $20 per hour is $800 per week |
Daily wage | $20 per hour is $160 per day |
Pre-tax figures for 40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year. |
You can get these figures and more using our hourly and salary calculation tool.
Tips for getting a pay raise
Having calculated your annual salary, you might be considering asking for a raise. Websites such as Business News Daily, Indeed and The Balance offer useful tips and strategies for negotiating a pay rise:
- Research salaries: Investigate what others in your role earn to gauge your worth and determine what figure you want.
- Be confident: Prepare thoroughly and approach the conversation with confidence.
- Pick the right time: Choose a moment when your boss is likely to be receptive, like after a big success.
- Strengthen your rapport: Approach your boss with "tactical empathy" by understanding their perspective and showing interest in projects that are critical to the company's future. This shifts their perception of you from a self-serving employee to a valuable team player.
- Highlight your achievements: Showcase your accomplishments and how they have positively impacted the business so far.
- Present a plan: Show your boss how your future goals align with the company’s objectives moving forward.
Recommended further reading:
- 5 tips for asking your boss for a raise - Business News Daily.
- A guide to asking for a raise, with tips and scripts - Indeed.
- Salary negotiation tips and strategies - The Balance.
What does the average US worker earn per hour?
The average hourly pay of an American worker is $29.83, as of June 2024 1. However, it's worth remembering that average hourly pay varies for different industries. For example, the average hourly pay in the hospitality industry is around $16, compared to over $40 in the utilities industry.
In terms of hours worked, the latest data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that men work an average of 40.3 hours per week and women work an average of 36.4 hours per week, but these figures vary for age, marital status, race and ethnicity. 4
How your yearly pay compares with others
You earn 78% of the $53,329 average US salary. 2 Remember, though: it only takes a handful of billionaires to push the national average way higher than the norm. That's why it makes more sense to look at the median salary figure instead, for comparison. Here's how that looks...
The median (middle) salary of a US worker in 2024 is $59,228, which is $1,139 per week. You therefore earn 70.2% of the median national salary. 3
Adding time and a half pay
If you get paid a 1.5 rate for working more than 40 hours, your time and a half rate will be $30.00 per hour.
Here’s what your yearly income would look like with an extra 5, 10, 15 or 20 hours at a 1.5 hourly rate...
Hours/week | Extra $/week | Extra $/year | Yearly salary |
45 hour week | $150 | $7,500 | $49,100 |
50 hour week | $300 | $15,000 | $56,600 |
55 hour week | $450 | $22,500 | $64,100 |
60 hour week | $600 | $30,000 | $71,600 |
A word of advice
Our calculator and guide is a fun, easy way to work out your ‘on-paper’ salary, based on your hourly wage. But, please don't base any major financial decisions on the figures alone. We can give you a good indication of your annual salary, but you’ll also need to think about sick days, family leave, overtime, taxes and all the other fun things that affect work and pay.
Your income tax will depend upon your circumstances and the state in which you live - every state taxes its employees differently. So, you should keep that in mind. You can see the current income tax rates and brackets for different states on this page from Tax Foundation.
If you're intending to start saving towards a goal and want to know how long it might take, we have a guide and calculator to assist you.
And, if you're thinking of asking your boss for a pay raise, we also have a calculator to help you calculate a pay increase figure, so that you can see how much extra you might take home each week, month or year.
For serious advice on your finances, spending and saving strategies, we recommend speaking with a qualified financial advisor.
Convert other hourly rates
Calculator by Alastair Hazell.Article references
- Trading Economics. United States Average Hourly Wages.
- Career Addict. The 10 Countries with the Highest Average Salaries.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (USA). Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (USA). Household Data Annual Averages 2022.